Healing Heartburn the Easy Way

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This is one of the secret kriyas in Kundalini Yoga that was taught only to a selected few for centuries. What's crazy is that we wouldn't need so much Prilosec if everybody knew this exercise! It's pretty simple to do takes less than 5 minutes and will alkalize your stomach for the day.

Best to do it in the morning on an empty stomach, not after you've eaten.

Sit in any posture with the spine straight. Make your lips round, in an 'O' shape, and start inhaling the air as if you are drinking it in a series of repeated small sips. Inhale as many sips as you can possibly hold and then stop, close your mouth, hold the breath in, and rotate your belly. Churn your stomach with your breath held in until you can't hold the breath any more. Then very, very slowly and gently release the breath in one stream through the nose. Repeat this cycle again, inhaling in sips, holding the breath, churning the stomach, then exhaling through the nose, for a total of three cycles. This constitutes one complete kriya.

According to yogic teachings, it's ideal to practice this only twice per day.....

Practice Vatskar Dhouti Kriya(that's the name of this exercise) to calm and support the health of the Digestive System!

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

© Enlightened Bodies 2015 Lumpkin/Khalsa


Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit


Kriya to Still Nerves, Shakes, and Release Trauma from the Body